The toy theatre (in Danish: “Dukketeater”) is the traditional form of puppet theatre in Denmark (Danish “dukke” = puppet, hence “Dukketeater”). It developed simultaneously in England and Germany at the beginning of the 19th century from the peep shows and theatrical prints of favourite actors in their most popular roles. The scenery is flat printed or painted wings and backdrops glued on to cardboard, and the puppets are little cardboard characters 10-15 cms tall. As opposed to the other much older puppet theatre forms the toy theatre was never intended as a professional public entertainment. On the contrary it was used as an educational toy and as a family entertainment in the middle class drawing room. Only within the past twenty years has the toy theatre also become a more public theatre form with professional performers in Germany, England, Holland, France and Denmark performing at their own venues and at festivals, notably the annual “Papiertheatertreffen” in Preetz near Kiel in Germany, now in its 17th year.


sidst opdateret 26. maj 2018
Svalegangens Dukketeater
v/Per Brink Abrahamsen